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Love is our Resistance
아끼고 사랑합니다♥ 뷰티랑 비스트랑 오래오래함께합시다!

♥ to know Jesus Christ is the greatest honor of my life, to follow Jesus is the greatest happiness of my life. ♥

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♥ sweet 18!
jesus one and only SAVIOUR
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Thursday, November 29, 2012

was looking through my previous blog posts..
starting to smirk and laughing at myself for being so immature back then LOL.
feels kinda weird but yeah,it's part of the growth process, i guess

turning point.
people around are asking with good intentions.
"what do you want to be in future?" "what's the course you wanna take after form5?"

nahh. *ran off with a smirk.*

well it doesn't mean that i'm not concern about this so-called FUTURE thing.
it's just that...i still can't make a clear mind.
i doesn't have the future that i really wanted to pursue that much.
it's okay to dream alot but dream doesn't really take over your future.

it's a big BIG relieve since SPM had ended *if BC is an exception*
time to retreat myself well and i had been relaxing too much since those stress were really trying to kill me.
next year's march.will be trying to kill me again. :D
low blood pressure...yeah.body isn't coping with me these days.ughhhh
wondering how old is my body regarding to it's health condition.

LOL. really hope that all these hard work will pay off.
ALL OF US. had gone through all those ups and downs.
how i wish i could turn back time.
back to the time when we met each other and be friends,able to laugh and share jokes everyday, able to laugh when we're too stressed of studying, able to laugh at something which has no point, and laugh at someone's laughter because we didn't know why she's laughing......TEEHEE.
that's really alot if i ought to share it out all here..i'll just keep it to myself.
i love all my friends,they're like diamonds to me.they bring happiness to me.
and i don't like to show my weakness.even the worst thing happened on me.
i just wanted to look cheerful and bring happiness for them.

아끼고 사랑합니다 

★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
4:53 PM

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

its like finally...........
one more week!
SPM gonna end!!
mourn the books bwahahhahahaaa

YangYoSeob's first solo album has released!!
The First Collage

producer lyrics songs all by YongJunHyung. SO BEAST!


★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
12:49 PM