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♥ to know Jesus Christ is the greatest honor of my life, to follow Jesus is the greatest happiness of my life. ♥

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♥ sweet 18!
jesus one and only SAVIOUR
♥ comments are LOVED. :)
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KOREA KOREA! gogogo :D
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Sunday, November 13, 2011

p/s i didn't own any of the pics below,

LOL my boyy ^_^

 spotted in the hotel ): OMGGGG WHAT'S THISS SO ASDFGHJKL NEARRRR !!! T^T

LOL YEYY they're on the stage so happy i can feel the heat right here LOL!!^_^ 

 you guys did very well right? haha of course LOL i don't have to ask such a lame question ^^
GREAT JOB guys 수고했어요다들 잘자주무시고^^
안녕히주무세요 잘자요 굿밤 굿나잇 애들아보고싶다야!!

well, he's DONE. HAHA

well, im kinda disappointed because dearest unnie is busy.........haaha(: btw, have a nice time on sharing your daily thoughts with Seobie kekeke^^

ohhyeaa have you voted??MAMA 2011 it's quite near to the deadline!!OMG c'mon B2UTIES.... kinda sad because our boys can't make it to any award...LOL there's still hope somehow, LOL ^^
if you have no idea who to vote,just vote like how i did!! HAHAHAH :D
intheCUBE!  :)


★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
12:15 AM

Saturday, November 12, 2011

OMGG. why is Yesung so beautiful with eyeliners ^_^

awwwwwwww.what's wrong.LOL WHAT'S WRONG OMGGGG.
MLIVE Most Amazing Live 2011 in MSIA on Dec 3rd OMGG SuperJunior B1A4 OMGGG KelanaJaya OMGGGGGG so freakaaay near from my place OMGGGG f(x) MissA OMGGGGGGG cheapest RM180 OMGGGGG. done. hahaa lets just dream ^^

freakinn Teukie scared me early in the midnight LOL! XD

★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
3:08 PM

미친놈.꿈이야 꿈
아뭔데..... 또만나다 이번에두준이랑와준형이랑ᄏᄏ행복했다
동운이랑찾아는데,두준이랑:"널뒤에.." 어머........현실처럼^_^꿈이아니구나!!.......ᄒᄒ
현승휸승장현성ᄒᄒᄒᄒ  뭐했다구요?..깜빡했다...내가 당신에게 뭐 좀물어서..왜기억이안나요....ᅮᅲ 
요섭아 왜안얘기했어욤....ᅲᅮ정말슬퍼했다아힝~  ᄏᄏ 
기광이가 좋은채팅의친구아얗ᄒ^^ ᄒᄒᄒᄒ
드디어 주인공왔다~~!!!흘....두준!^^그가...ᄒᄒ 날어디갔다면 그가 따랐다ᄒᄒ 로맨틱커플처럼^^코알라곰처럼 날안아다^^......ᄒ힉 
준형이랑......ᄒᄒ그는 내가그에게음식을공급하고자...하하하ᅡᅡᅡ!!웃겨ᅮᅳᅲ멋진래퍼가 내앞에서애겨했다...픟ᄒᄒᄒ그다음 두준이랑질투했닼ᄏᄏᄏᄏ!! 

호주에서.. 재밋다구요??^^ᄒᄒ나도가고싶당 ᅲᅮ

우왕 바다가 너무이뻐다!!!정말가고싶을래ᅮᅲ

얗이거 안돼욤!!!ᄏᄏᄏ^^ 현승와현아^^ᄒᄒ 준형이랑질투거야:P

ᄒ힉 요섭아....와우 감동했다!!!사랑해욤ᄒᄒ힉^^

hehehehe so ... the post above there..it's a long long post about my dream..HAHAA, yeapp they appeared in my dream again, this time all 6 of them were here:) the most rememberable dream i had LOL! doojoon and junhyung....what are you two doing kekeke fighting against jealousy? both of you two just wanted me so much kekekeke im so happy LOL it's like reality at all!!.. it's just so real while i was touching them..they're just right infront of me, that was so close OMGG and we were chatting together....like friends..couple LOL! omgg...i know this is going weird,,every dream seems to comfort me when something bad is going to happen..HAHHAAA. im happy although it's just a dream.IM NOT CRAZYY, NO! i would never had a chance to be like this with them in reality at all. so if someday something bad happened in my dreams, it's still fine because this is the only way i could feel that you're with me, you're by my side...♥ honestly i can tell that i had never dreamt about someone so frequently EVER.well, he's the first exception
두준이얼마나사랑했어널알아? 모를텐데...ᄒᄒ돼서^^

언니 고마워요!!!^^전화에서 재미있어요:) 땡큐^^
앞으로 더힘들텐데..우리함께 열심히하자!! hope they'll appear in our dreams as it will be so beautiful and sweet, no more sad dreams and tears okayy??^^ Aisyahhh언니!! 읽고있는거야?^^ FIGHTING!화이팅!!:)


★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
1:25 PM

Monday, November 7, 2011

waeeeeeeee....iyugamwonde...why you're coming into my life like that and make me keep thinking things that wouldn't ever happen.....
giving me false hope that i thought it was everything. im wrong. yeah im just nothing. these are all  unnecessary dreams, like bubbles. it will disappear and dissolve in the air, just like it never appeared..
how much i did..how much i hoped...it's all nothing.
you would never know.
even if there's someone who live in the world like this, you'll never know.because you didn't need to.
there's thousands of them in this world. you never know each of them. and i'm just the one of them. you would never know me,you would never know my existence.but i wanna thankyou, and love you, cherish you for the rest of my life.even if i couldn't have you by my side, i will happy if you are.
even you won't be reading this..im still happy i could write for you. i wish i could do this for you everyday.
잘들여서??너내전부야.우리항상이렇게있거야?웅?난널얼마나좋아 정말못알잖아

 아무든고마워서 더많아준고싶다 (: 좋은 리더가되는주셔서감사합니다..



★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
5:33 PM

Sunday, November 6, 2011

다른여자손을잡고서 또안아서
여긴안올아?돼서 가만할거야 여긴에서계속기다린데 그날이올때까지기달거얔
남편이..전잘할거야 널때문에 널사랑해때문에 널내전부에때문에

★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
10:15 PM

again.... you always made my heart aches but i'll still loves you 

★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
12:55 AM

reminiscence . bringing me back to that day our first met :)

awesome god. thankyou for loving.for giving. PEACE

★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
12:09 AM

Saturday, November 5, 2011

  it's been a long time since our last outing..hehehe my babes are the best!! JJANG :)

im the photographer and editor. HAHAHAHHA :D

random stuffs you'll found in girls toilet. it's normal, i can tell. :)

hmm. since when we're imitators ... imitating Seobie and hubby Doo :P 

ahh. so cute heheheee baby HongKi few years back :D

does leader have some kind of charismatic that attracts me always? LOL

yeeeeeeeee. mianhae gikwangahhh~ but your lips are so sexayy^^

heheeee blond lil Seobie ;D

ohmygawddd Davichi's new song is here too.. ahh MinKyung so prettay 

 there's reallay alot. HAHHAA but,
 REDBOX, should i hate or love you? YOU UPDATED BUT NOT MY SONGS. :( still. no FICTION HelloHello PARADISE BeMine ASDFGHJKL!@#$%^&*()

hmm. there's videos too.HAHAHA

chillin around, have some fun,it's alright :) maybe it may seems funny LOL.watch at your own risk :D

FT-I HOPE. guess who's singing. HAHA hint: two people:)

HAHAAAA.im embarrassed LOL. this is reallay random. first time of mine HAHHAAA hope i won't scared you :P

hehehe it's US singing again! INFINITE-NOTHING'S OVER but i didnt appear in here, HAHAAA im busying recording :D

actually there's one more.. MR SIMPLE dance cover by ...NOT ME! HAHHAAHAHAHHAAA but the video is too big and im lazy....so come and i'll show you! :P

when it comes to food, kekeke we'll gone wild :D

all the way to IOI Boulevard craving for KimchiHaru! kekeke thanks chinguyaa~for accompanying me :)
 having KimchiJigae again LOL it's just so yummy im addicted to it :P



im really jealous.REALLY.replayed twice and X.장난이아냐정말미쳤다아이구이런어떻게!!
thankyou. so, that dream was..kind of..comforting me? after dreaming of us as couple LOL now looking at you hugging another girl.ITS OKAY what can i say more. IM LUCKY,HAPPYthat you came, even it's just a dream.
even i couldn't own you, i'll still cherish and love you as much as i could♥ (:

heeeheee, what's this. this is NOT jealousy at all. :) im KIND :P

the prettiest, warmest leader, you're MINE :)
BE@TOY fansign event. how i wish i could buy the shirts it's so beautiful (:

hmm.i forgot what's this. ahhh i think its the Asia Song Festival :) a day before their 2ndAnniversary^^
Seobie is getting greater in throwing and spinning mic stuffs HAHAA.DooJoonie is so exhausted but he still cares for the B2UTIES. giving the best performance. he loves them.US.
B2UTIES are fantastically awesome. see the lightsticks? SO COOOOL. even our DooJoonie was busy looking at the lightsticks writing "BEAST" and he's so touched and used it as his twitterDP :) 

AHHHH.im so guilty for that tears, can i keep them back?hehehe I LOVE EVERY B2UTIES no matter who you are.
okkay so, PEACE? :)


★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
11:15 PM

Thursday, November 3, 2011

MTVB2ST all day long WOOOHOOO im holding back my tearso hardly...they're awesome. i'll cherish and love you guys
HAHAHAA.missin these guys badly too... ALEXANDER LEE EUSEBIO and BRIAN JOO:)

these are just insane... i couldn't help but to cherish everything that happened in my life. it's truly blessing from the wonderful GOD (:
i wouldn't know how hard the road will be for the future...but i'll set you guys as my role model :)
and i'm so thankful that GOD is always here to be with me kekeke AMEN:)

but, LOL i screwed my exams badly. AHHHHH. i dont think im in the mood of blogging... thanks to my keyboard LOL i couldn't type 's' and 'd' LOL that was lot of work copy pasting it.... HAHAA


things gonna be easy. as he'll be leading us, me.(:


★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
10:42 PM

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

went Japan again... ahh goodluck (: eeee.that headphone again ITS KILLIN ME:P
whenever i need you, you'll never fail to come to me. gomawo♥ nampyeonnie (:
i'll sleep day and night if i could. that's the only way for us to meet :P waeeee? this is really the first time...i didn't experience things like this bfore OMGGGG. you seriously got me into you.we'll be like this (:

LOL andwae that girl must be me T___T JEALOUS

 wookays, have fun..in OSAKA(:




★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
5:17 PM

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
11:42 PM

shoot. i have no strength to go on? NO WAYYYY.
heheee, hubbyDoo is here, no worries :) with Dongwoonie! :P

im happy that im not alone.he's too awesome

and...... do me a favor please ? voteee for them on MAMA2011 (: 


kamsa~~ ^^B2UTIES letS FIGHTING!  


★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
11:34 PM