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Sunday, July 31, 2011

BOYFRIEND returns on INKIGAYO today! with their new comeback song, You and I :)
Produced by hit composer Brave Brothers, the boys have teamed up with dance team DQ (who’s worked with MBLAQ, B2ST, and Rain) to reflect their new image change in their choreography.

ohGOSHH. this song is so GREAT ! DAEBAK! their dance, awesomee. i have a question turning in my mind while watching.are the JoTwins and MinWoo 16 this year?

ahh so sweet today. :) Korean feast LOLLL. had instant kimchi ramen in the morning, kekeke and went KimchiHaru for lunch again! OMO. YUMMEHHHH :D

tomato juice ! kekeke our Seobie's favourite too :))

독볶이 ! 맛있다! Carbonara Rice Cake!! :)) 
the rice cake is chewyyy, tastes so good with the cheesey-cremyy sauce LOL. :)

Spicy ramen with rice cake!! :3
  Ramen again. LOL -____- imma ramen freakk you kno, kekeke :D
oops. sorry for the low quality. because this lunch was so 'unexpected'. HAHAHAA i didn't prepare my camera for that. :X

well, today is HER birthday! happy birthday BIBEQI 
birthday surprise, of course YES! 
hope you'll like it anyway, kekeke :)

its MinWoo's (BOYFRIEND's maknae) birthday also ! 생일축하해 !
jealous LOL.XD having the EXACT same birthday ! :((

AHHHHH. almost forgot . this important thingy kekeke :)
 VernTheng's belated birthday party at BBQ-Plaza ! :)

the final touch of the CHEESECAKEEE! kekeke :)
totally 100% handmade, FRESHHHH :)

lets see how it transformed... :D

 wheeee ! :)) 


 i have not much interested on the meatssss. =___=

vege is the best! :D have you ever seen before, 'grilled cabbage' LOL -.- 

waiting for the surprise time! :D

 kekeke, its us! wenn, lyn :) 

 kekeke, finally!  happy birthday VernTheng :) 

RM50 for this cake???? LOL. much more than that! priceless! :)

poor little candle. :D 

moment of us. BLURRED -___-

kekeke, its me again! :D

the best moment of the day, spending an hour in SPEEDY :)
listening to BEAST's Fiction & Fact album in there. LOL :D

 HarryPotter FINAL EPISODE ! BESTTTT :D so sad its already the end. :((  they accompanied me for 10years growing time. OMO. they're all-matured now, and i'm still half matured. HAHAA :D miss their innocent faces. so cuteee :) ahhh it was so nice. i was going to cry LOL. 
and i have a funny question LOL. how come the little Potter is handsome than the real Harry Potter? XD

LOL WTH. SeungRi the LAME maknae ever ! BWAHAHAHHA!
TOP and TaeYang eating ice on the snowy mountain LOL. they're so insaneeeeeee OMO -.- 
YEAPPIE i saw him bright like a sun, Kwon-GD!! sighhh. missing Daesung. :(

sighhh. BEAST FAN MEETING ASIA TOUR had ended. in a month time. yesterday is the last stop at ShangHai. LOL i have a QUESTIONNNN WHY they have the SIGNING EVENT there but not here! :((
they're now relaxed A LIL BIT, but still, they have to prepare for their family concert which is going to held SOOOON on 14thAugust. all the best! waiting for it :)
AHHHHHHH im SOOOOOOOOOO happy JOKER is back to twitter! kekeke! welcome back JunHyungah! you know how much i missed you ??? :( no more next time okay? ;)
poor HyunSeung, looking at you tearing, i'm holding my tears back too. :( blame on the STUPIDDD-IDIOT who flashed on our Seungie! :( we love you Seungie :))

PEACEEE MAN i missssss you! :D

kekeke, loving you guys! 


★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
6:42 PM

Friday, July 29, 2011

WOW! MuBank today was fantastic! great powerful stage! feels great too to have someone accompanying me watching :)

winner of today, is their comeback stage too, MissA - GoodbyeBaby ! they got the first already ! congratz ! :))

LOL all my love is here ♥♥ ! kekeke :D

Infinite with BeMine again, kekeke! L and WooHyun! :D

TeenTop comeback with .Beautiful Girl, No more perfume on you. LOL. they transformed into cute guys, compare to "SuperLuv" . XD

ZE:A's Heart for 2 is nice !! so cool... they looked AWESOME GOSHHH 0:29 :D SiWan!! :D
the boys had grown up ! kekeke miss your cartoon costumes so much :3

Homme- Man Should Laugh. this group was DAEBAKK. powerful vocals of 2AM-ChangMin and 8eight- LeeHyeon :D

King of R&B is back ! HwanHee from FlyToTheSky ! :) with brand new debut song Love Pain.

BEAST ! ;)

★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
9:40 PM

in progress... JunHyung! :D

OMO. so hard to win, FINALLY  i get one Picture Request by playing the games on B2UTIES fan page :)
demanded for BEAST cute moments! :D

hmm..the weather today....nice? windy. rainy. chilling :)

EMO failedddd. :X 


kekeke, surprise time! :) just wait, i bet you'll like it so much! :D

hmmm. EPICFAILEDDD. :X top was so black :D

yeahh, this is what we call as creative! :D 

i wish i had a XPERIA too. lots of fun ! :))
Bii oppa! bogoshipeoyo!! :(

our  DongWoonie uses a photo from MTV World Stage LIVE in Malaysia 2011 as his profile picture on his Twitter account!! :D


★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
8:13 PM

Thursday, July 28, 2011

ohyeahhh, this is what i'm talking about! :D
ASTRO HITZ KPOP TALENT SHOW , i dont know who's the winner by then, LOL. didnt watch till the end HAHAHHAAA. but there's one i admired, as i mentioned it before, Re-DO. WOW. totally DAEBAK!! :D i cant deny that they're great, AWESOME!
WOW and actually, im soooo in-love with these three songs they performed. DAMN you guys :D

 their dance cover of FICTION. DAMNNNNNN i feel like watching BEAST's version of dance cover! nice imitating of singing and dancing ! totally impressed ! :DD how can i say about that! totally! 99% exactly the same with theirs. OMO OMO!!

i think they can really debut with a standard like this. not bad :) 

38 dead,12 missin from torrential rains. downtown Seoul region flooded, central region to get hits with more rain. in Seoul city,the flood is up to car level, the road had cracked down so awfully. lets pray so that there will be no more people founded dead and missing.
기도 하고있을께요!!!  

BWAHAHAHHAAA HyunJoong oppa is coming MALAYSIA August20!!! WTFFFEEE :D

you know that i'm missing you badly :D  

all the way countdown-ing for August10 !


★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
9:00 PM

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Super Junior will be releasing their new song, “Mr. Simple“, on August 2nd before they drop their full album on the 3rd !!
Photo revealing :)



YeSung ! :D

GROUP PHOTO!! BrandNew SUJU is back, SOON ! :D

i dont know what else to write lol. BEASTTTT. missing them badly ugrhhh:((
i'm gonna do this for real, one day :)

ohhNOOOO. heavy rain and flooding everywhere in Korea.hope everyone will be alright. already 19dead and 1missing. GOD
many celebrities did mentioned that. all their schedules have to delay. :(  BEAST are so concerned about their Korean B2UTIES too! :)  HAHAHAHAA the boys are so crazy, they played soccer in the middle of rain! 조심해요!  don't get sick then, or else you will be suffering! kekeke! leader Doo, you better take care of 
them, that's your responsibility ! :D

AHHHHH so luckyy i'm so jealous of the fans who went KLIA and wait for their arrival. URGHHH so close :(  LOL i saw somethingg. DuJun was receiving present from fans! HAHAAA its a 1.5l Coke! is that for JunHyung? ^^

OMO.... my heart ACHESSSS so much !양요 ! 괜찮아? 내맘 너무아픈데.. ᅲ

我的天-AHHHH! 东云你华语超好的噢 !! 有学过华语的,果然不是盖的噢~ 哈哈!!贤胜怎么变“先生”了啊~~~  :X 哈哈哈哈无厘头俊亨你把华语名念得超可爱的LOL :D  梁耀燮, 不错噢!厉害厉害 ^^ 哈哈 斗俊呢,怎么变“东俊”啦 哈哈 XD 启光也念得超标准的说! ^^

네가 어디에?  뭐하는거야?    너무 보고싶어요.. 죽을거야! :((  당신도 날 그리워요! 알아지? ᄏᄏᄏ !  영원히 사랑할게요! 


★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
5:33 PM

Monday, July 25, 2011

FINALLY. waited for so long. one whole day , they didn't tweet at all.o.o
this tweet shocked me, LOL?
[TRANS]  I showered and now I'm lying down..I will sleep a bit now..keke Ah..Me falling down at the Malaysia airport was 100 percent my fault..kekeke To the fans who kept on saying "Sorry Yoseob" I am more sorryㅜㅜAnyways I am fine so don't worry!! I'm going to deep sleep good night! http://bit.ly/oQWIHI 
FAHH? myYoSeob fell down at the airport? WTFO what happened? are you okay oppa ? huhuu:'(
괜찮아? 어디 아픈데? 휴식을 가져가라고 얘길.. 아... 내 마음 아픈데요... ᅲ

anyway, happy birthday to JunHyung's mother ! ^^ hope she's in a good health right now, kekeke :)

ah...im so tired... i'm typing with my eyes half closed :X 
BTW the last one to talk about BEAST members, SonDongWoon the maknae! :D
hmm.. what can i say about this maknae huh... he's always energetic. even when he is sick. HAHAHAA :D but he really did a great job while their first album was here. he improved alot, singing and dancing included. kekeke ^^ his academic was quite great too, and he's from a quite good, wealthy family too! but he wanted to become a singer then, :X the growing maknae, doesn't look like maknae at all, BECAUSE of the height, the tallest among the members. LOL HOW CAN a maknae be the tallest? -.- and his voice is just so mannn? OMO. :D his smile is perfect too. i love his nose. his face. i love the way he wanted us to call him SON NAM SHINN.  i love the way he talked,interacted to us, B2UTIES . kekeke oppa i know you are now sick of listening to the praises that you are so handsome, and now i'm going to praise you as the cute one, okay?  kekeke be happy always, and stay healthy ! :)
i still miss you so much.. i wanted to hear your voice again, please sing me a lullaby ? :(
동운오빠 사랑한다 ! 정말로! 
너의 좌우명 "해가뜨기직전이 가장어둡다오늘도  기억하겠죠!  ^^

 signing off with HITT- Goodnight. :)

and also Block B- TellThem . JaeHyo biasss :) Zico's new haircut= like!

GOSHHHHHHHHZOMGJAEHYO i can't take my eyes of you. but i can't look at the screen for more than 2seconds. i can't stand your cuteness. LMAO :D


★i'm gonna make you love me 널사랑한다고★ ♥
11:19 PM